No, I do not hate dogs.
Yes, my cat is independent.
No, he doesn't run and greet me.
No licks on my face when I come home.
Yes, he's fluffy, cuddly, warm.
No, he doesn't fetch a ball.
No, he doesn't come when I call.
Yes, he's affectionate. Uh-huh, sleeps on
my pillow curled in a ball.
Uh-huh, I'm a cat lover.
No, I don't have to walk him like a dog
when nature calls, and for me that says it all!
Umm, yawn, stretch.
Was that the front door?
Amy's home...
"Samson, Samson, my baby where are you?
'Baby?!' Ugh, how insulting;
...I kind of like it though.
Meow, purr, meow ... here I am -
Snuggled in your bed.
Oops, I'm scooped up - careful now.
Face buried in my fur;
A peck planted on my nose!
Oh that tickles - AACHOO!
Okay, I'll kiss you too.
Hold out your hand --
Lick, lick, purr, purr,
Isn't life grand?