All About Me
Birth Name: Samson
Nickname: Sammy
Birth Date: March 14, 1984
Sex: Male
Breed: Siamese/Main Coon
Weight: 8 lb.
Other: Neutered and declawed
Well, it's about time I introduce myself - so here I go. My birthname is Samson, but I prefer to go by Sammy. I live in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota (Ya you betcha, those Minnesota winters sure can be tough!) I am a neutered, de-clawed, healthy male cat of a mixed breed - some say that I am part Siamese and part Main Coon. I don't know, I don't remember anything about my birthmeowmie and daddy. The only thing that I remember from long ago is the exact day my owner's sister, Wendy, brought me home. That was 16 years ago!
Instead of prowling through sixteen years of my life, I will just highlight the most important events so you can catch up to what I am doing these days. = ^..^ =
My owner was only three years old when I came to live with her (Oh, she was sooooo cute!). We played all the time together, but as time passed, she had to start going away to Kindergarten. Oh, how I missed her! More time passed - Wendy was moving out. She told the family that she was taking me with her. I didn't want to leave - I liked the home I had grown accustomed to. However, no one cared to ask me if I would like to move, so on I went to live in a rented basement of a small house located in the country. Wendy and I hated it there (I kind of enjoyed the live mice running around in the ceilings and vents though). I missed my little owner terribly, she was all I could think about. I started to chew my fur out because I was so lonely and depressed. More time passed and Wendy married. She let me move back into my owner's home because her and her husband's new apartment wouldn't allow any animals - Can you believe that? Oh well, I wasn't going to complain, I was moving back to live with my little owner.
When I moved back home, I noticed a lot of things had changed since I had been gone, my little owner was not little at all - she was now in seventh grade. My owner also switched bedrooms on me and to top it off my owner had a new little sister named Jessica. I was happy though, I was back with my owner, I liked my new bedroom, and I loved Jessica.
Now six years have passed and it is time to take you to the present. My owner is now in college, Jessica is in the seventh grade, and I will be turning sixteen years old on March 14th.
Some things to know about me.....
Drinking Straws - Oh, I love it when my owner goes out to eat and brings back her straw for me. Those things are so slippery, they scoot along the floor so fast!
Catnip in an old sock - Yeah, my owner puts it in one of her old socks! I know, I've tried to turn up my nose, but that catnip is sooooo irresistable!
Sleeping - Hey, if you could lay around all day, wouldn't you?
Being inside my family's warm sun porch - It's the best! It's like my own little tanning booth! The porch also has large windows so I can see the outside world. This is where I plan my bird attacks if indeed I am ever allowed outside.
Sleeping in my bed with my owner - I let her sleep under the covers with me. Hey, she keeps me warm during those cold Minnesota winter nights!
Tuna! - My owner's mom lets me lick out the empty tuna cans after she makes tuna casserole.
Turkey, Roast Beef, Ham, name it I like it!
My owner calling me 'Baby' all the time - Who does she think I am? I am a full grown cat, way older than her in human years!
My owner dressing me up like I am a doll - Ugh!!!
Vaccuum cleaners - Those things could just suck all the fur right off of me!!!
Mew People - I am not a very social purrrson!
Purrrsonal Accomplishments: |
Catching and killing my first mouse - This occurred one day while I was living at Wendy's apartment. I killed the little rodent during the night - it was a quick death. I was very proud and wanted Wendy to be proud of me also, so I greeted her the following morning with the limp gift hanging out of my mouth! Her reaction was not what I had expected - what was wrong?!?!

Catching and killing my first bird - This occurred just a few years ago. My family was gone and I was all by myself. I was just laying around when all of a sudden I started to hear a bird chirping. Boy, did it sound really close. I started to get curious and look around inside the house, at that moment a bird flew above my head. Was this a new pet? It couldn't be! I remembered my owner saying something about birds flying through the vent on the roof and then finding their way in the house. This had to be one of those stupid birds. I was on a mission! When my owner finally came home, she found me on my bed with the dead bird laying right in front of me. I was one proud cat, but I didn't understand why my owner had the same reaction as Wendy did with the mouse. Why did they scream?!?!