Welcome To...
Sammy's Surfin'
Cat Page

Meow! I'm Sammy. I am your purrrfect host here at Sammy's Surfin' Cat Page - a page which I have created for all the many cats and cat lovers in the world. Since I don't get out very much (because of my owner), I thought that this was a purrrfect way to make myself known and to meet some new furry friends (they don't all have to be furry, they can also be feathery - they taste better that way! Oh, I mean they, um, well...I guess I meant to say that my cat food tastes better when I have a feathery friend to share it with! Yeah, that sounds good, that's what I meant to say). Well anyways, stay a while, prowl around a bit, and have a meowvalous visit!
Feel free to pounce inside and prowl a bit, but please no cat naps!
You are purrrson
visiting my cat page!
February 19,2000
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My URL is http://www.nav.to/AmyEli